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May 18, 2024

Tips on starting a remote recruitment agency

John Kim
Co-founder @ Paraform

The world of work is evolving, and recruitment is no exception. The rise of remote work has opened doors for businesses to tap into a global talent pool and market.

It’s now easier than ever to start a remote recruitment agency and employ people from all over the world.

However, it requires careful planning and execution.

So here are a few tips on starting a fully remote global recruitment agency

Why start a remote recruitment agency?

Starting a remote recruitment agency requires hard work but very rewarding benefits. Let’s go through them:

1. Cheap to set up

With a remote team, you can avoid expensive office rent, furniture, and other bills from having a physical location.

Other savings include:

  • Office fees
  • Commuting expenses
  • Electricity
  • Local expenses for your team
  • Hardware

This can save you an enormous amount, which you can use to invest in technology and other recruiting tools.

2. Access to global talent

With a remote setup, you can get access to a wide range of talent around the globe.

There are millions of qualified and talented recruiters around the world on LinkedIn that you can find to help you build a successful business. You can find anyone with the right skill set.

In addition, employing someone in a lower-cost country can save you on forking out expensive local salaries and local taxes. A win-win.

3. Flexible work hours

Working remotely will enable you to work different hours asynchronously with your global team.

Some people like to do all of their recruitment admin duties in the evenings and some in the mornings.

Having this flexibility will mean that there’s always someone on call at your business. Also, you gain on average, over an hour a day commuting plus the time it takes getting ready for work.

Tips on starting a remote recruitment agency

1. Choose your niche

Choosing your niche is the first step in not only a recruitment business but any business in general.

There are tons of different recruitment niches and business models to choose from. In fact, being fully remote will give you even more options.

Do you want to set up a recruitment agency in Web3? Or one that services the FinTech industry? Research the different niches and come up with your own USP.

2. Get registered

Once you’ve found your niche and know what your north star is, the next step is to choose a business name and get yourself registered.

For this, you’ll need to do basic research on the IRS website of the different business models, like a C-corp, LLC, or Sole Proprietorship. Once you decide on your business model, you’ll just need to pay a formation fee, which is usually no more than $1000 depending on where you live.

If you live outside of the United States, make sure you check out your local government website for more details on setting up a business.

3. Set up a website and socials

Next, create a website and social media profiles for your agency.

Your website should showcase your brand, the services you offer, testimonials, and contact details. If you’ve got the budget, you can also add a job board or CV upload feature that connects to your ATS.

Your social media accounts should help you promote your business, network with potential clients and remote workers, and share valuable content related to your niche.

4. Budget and legal

Make sure you’ve got at least 6 months runway for the new business and keep afloat for a rainy day, new technology, staffing, and other unexpected costs.

In addition, Research and comply with all legal and regulatory requirements for operating a remote recruitment agency in your own country.

Additionally, understand any potential legal hurdles for recruiting talent from different geographical locations.

5. Technology

Investing in the right tools and technology will help propel your recruitment business.

With the right technology, you can automate repetitive tasks, manage your candidate pipelines, and source the best talent for your clients.

There are also a bunch of tools out there that help you collaborate and communicate with remote, global teams.

You can start by utilizing all of the free tools out there for recruiters, and be sure to budget and invest in a quality ATS, LinkedIn recruiter, and data analysis tools to see how you’re performing and get familiar with ChatGPT.

6. Refine & reiterate your strategy

Make sure you always keep some time to change your game plan if necessary. These days recruitment and the global workforce are changing, so make sure you’re adept.

Be ready to change course if need be.

There are also loads of recruitment resources out there to help guide you on your way to success.

7. Build your team

The final step is to hire the right people to elevate your recruitment agency.

Your team is the driving force for success and this step is make or break.

Focus on finding people who have a strong work ethic, adaptability, and excellent communication skills, everything else is teachable.

Operating remotely will require excellent communication skills at all times and a self-motivation.

Having people who possess those skills in your team will always enable you to beat out a team who do the bare minimum.

Going remote in recruitment opens doors to a world of possibilities. But with anything in life, there has to be great planning, sacrifice, and excellent collaboration.

By following these steps, building a strong foundation, and embracing continuous improvement, you can position your remote recruitment agency for long-term success

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