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Now that you’ve gone through the best AI-powered recruitment tools, we’ll go over how to get the best out of Large Language Models like ChatGPT.

To master the AI recruiting game, we have to understand prompts and how to prompt efficiently to get the best output from ChatGPT and the like.

Here are 30 ChatGPT prompts that will save you hours, automate a large chunk of your recruitment efforts, and lead you on the way to Recruit Machine. Okay, that may not be a word but you get the drift. Let’s get into it.

1. Crafting the perfect job description

  1. Write a compelling job description for a [job title] position that attracts top talent, highlighting our unique company culture.
  2. Develop a catchy job title for a [job title] role that accurately reflects responsibilities and avoids industry jargon.
  3. Create a Boolean search string to target candidates with the exact skills and experience needed for a [job title] position.

2. Finding candidates

  1. Analyze my current job postings (paste your job description) and identify areas for improvement to attract a more diverse pool of applicants.
  2. Generate a list of relevant online communities or LinkedIn groups where I can connect with potential candidates for a [job title] role.
  3. Craft a personalized message to a passive candidate on LinkedIn, who is a software engineer at a FinTech company, piquing their interest in a [job title] opportunity at our company.

3. Engaging applicants

  1. Craft an engaging email sequence to nurture leads and keep candidates updated throughout the application process. Create 3 separate emails for each stage.
  2. Develop a series of interview questions tailored to assess a candidate's cultural fit for our company.
  3. My candidate was successful in the first stage of the interview process. Write a follow-up email after an interview reiterating the candidate's strengths and next steps in the hiring process.

4. Your workflow

  1. We are a tech startup. Create a recruitment strategy template that outlines key steps and timelines for hiring different roles.
  2. Analyze my current recruitment data and suggest areas for improvement to streamline the process. *Be sure to add as many points of data: placements, candidates interviewed, channels used, etc, to get the best response.
  3. Develop an OKR (objectives and key results) framework for the recruitment team, aligning hiring goals with company objectives.

5. Building employer branding

  1. Craft a compelling social media post promoting our company culture and attracting potential candidates.
  2. Generate content ideas for our careers page that showcase our employee benefits and unique work environment.
  3. Develop a thought leadership strategy for the recruitment team to establish ourselves as industry experts.

6. Beyond the basics

  1. Write a persuasive email to convince a hiring manager to consider a candidate with non-traditional experience.
  2. Analyze exit interview data and identify areas for improvement in the employee experience. *For HR managers
  3. Develop a communication plan to address a negative Glassdoor review about the hiring process.

7. Email responses

  1. Write a professional and empathetic rejection email to a candidate who wasn't selected for the role.
  2. Draft a compelling offer letter that highlights the benefits package and excites candidates about joining the team.

8. Interview prep

  1. Generate a list of behavioral interview questions to assess a candidate's problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
  2. Develop mock interview questions based on the specific requirements of a [job title] role.
  3. Help me craft a strong response to the common pushback question 'Tell me why I should choose your company’.

9. Communication

  1. Rewrite a clunky job description in a clear and concise manner, highlighting relevant keywords. Format it into bullet points.
  2. Craft a personalized email introducing yourself to a new candidate and outlining the next steps in the application process.
  3. Write a LinkedIn content plan that will improve our company's visibility to clients and candidates alike.

10. Staying ahead of the curve

  1. Research and summarize the latest trends in recruiting technology and their potential impact on the hiring process.
  2. Identify the top skills in-demand for our industry and create a hiring strategy to attract those skill sets.
  3. Develop a plan to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to streamline various aspects of the recruitment process.

11. Personal growth

  1. Create a blueprint on how to recruit the best {Job title}, and where I could learn and improve my skillset as a recruiter.

ChatGPT best practices

Context is king

ChatGPT thrives on information. The more context you provide, the better it understands your request.

  • Include details like target audience, desired tone, and relevant background information.
  • For factual prompts, cite reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

Example: Write a blog post in a friendly and informative tone, explaining the benefits of using AI in recruitment. Briefly mention how much time it will save and target the content towards beginners.


Be clear about exactly what you want ChatGPT to do. Talk to it like you’re speaking to an assistant.

  • Define the desired format (blog post, social media post, LinkedIn message, code, email) and length.
  • Specify the style (formal, humorous, informative) and any specific information to include or exclude.

Vague example: "Write something creative about space travel."

Specific example: "Craft a short science fiction story (500 words) about a group of colonists encountering a strange alien civilization on a newly discovered planet."

See the difference?

Use examples

Sometimes, showing is better than telling. Provide ChatGPT with examples to guide its output.

  • Share links to similar content, reference specific writing styles, or include sample sentences.

Example: "Write a product description for a new ATS, similar to the tone used by Recruiterflow in their marketing materials."

You can then copy and paste their product description.

Refine and Iterate

Don't expect perfection on the first try. Effective prompting is an iterative process. The AI will gradually learn your writing style and give you better outputs next time.

  • Analyze ChatGPT's responses and refine your prompts based on the results.
  • Reiterate with small changes to steer the output in the desired direction.

Bonus tip: Always remember, ChatGPT has the brain of a 9-year-old. So be sure to break down your prompts into bullet points and speak to the machine in smaller, simpler steps.

Happy prompting!

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