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Recruitment success hinges on the ability to measure performance effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as the compass guiding recruitment agencies toward their goals, helping them stay on course and make informed decisions.

Understanding and tracking the right KPIs can make all the difference in winning the recruitment game.

Here, we'll go over the main KPIs you need to be tracking in order to steer your recruitment business toward success.

1. Time to Fill (TTF)

Time to Fill is a fundamental metric that measures the average time taken to fill a job vacancy from the moment it's opened to the moment a candidate is hired.

A low TTF indicates efficiency in sourcing, screening, and hiring candidates. It reflects your team's ability to swiftly match the right talent with the right positions, satisfying both clients and candidates.

2. Candidate Quality

Quality trumps quantity in recruitment. Monitoring Candidate Quality KPIs help assess the caliber of candidates your agency presents to clients.

Metrics such as retention rates, performance evaluations, and feedback from hiring managers provide insights into whether the candidates meet or exceed expectations.

You can keep a score (or utilize a metric-driven CRM) of each candidate that you upload to your database.

3. Client Satisfaction

Happy clients are the lifeblood of any recruitment business. Client Satisfaction KPI measures how well your agency meets client expectations throughout the recruitment process.

Regular feedback surveys, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and client retention rates are valuable indicators of client satisfaction.

4. Cost per Hire

Cost per Hire is a financial KPI that calculates the total expenses incurred to fill a job vacancy. It includes your candidate outreach, tools & technology platforms, agency fees, and internal hiring costs.

Keeping Cost per Hire low without compromising on candidate quality signifies operational efficiency and resource optimization.

One of the ways you can do this is by using alternative platforms to LinkedIn.

5. Offer Acceptance Rate

Offer Acceptance Rate measures the percentage of job offers extended by your agency that candidates accept. A high acceptance rate indicates effective candidate engagement, accurate job matching, and alignment of expectations between candidates and clients. Monitoring this KPI helps identify potential bottlenecks in the recruitment process and refine strategies to improve offer acceptance rates.

6. Candidate Satisfaction

Just as client satisfaction is crucial, so is candidate satisfaction. Happy candidates not only enhance your agency's reputation but also contribute to positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Candidate Satisfaction KPI gauges how satisfied candidates are with their overall experience with your agency, including communication, support, and the recruitment process.

Regular feedback loops and candidate surveys are effective tools for measuring and improving candidate satisfaction.

7. Pipeline Velocity

Pipeline Velocity measures the speed at which candidates move through the recruitment pipeline, from first contact all the way to placement. It provides insights into the efficiency of your recruitment process and helps identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

8. Source of Hire

Understanding where your successful hires come from is essential for allocating resources effectively. Source of Hire KPI tracks the channels through which candidates discover job opportunities and eventually get hired.

Whether it's through job boards, referrals, social media, or direct sourcing, analyzing the source of hire helps you identify the most cost-effective and fastest recruitment channels.

9. Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) are not just buzzwords; they're imperative for building a vibrant and innovative workforce. Tracking D&I metrics such as gender diversity, ethnic diversity, and inclusion scores helps ensure that your recruitment processes are unbiased and inclusive.

Focusing on DEI reflects your agency's commitment to fostering a diverse and equitable workplace and resonates positively with clients, candidates, and stakeholders.

10. Revenue per Placement

At the end of the day, recruitment is a business, and Revenue per Placement is a critical financial KPI. It measures the revenue generated from each successful placement, taking into account factors such as placement fees, contract terms, and additional services provided.

Embracing a culture of continuous improvement and leveraging insights from KPI analysis will undoubtedly propel your recruitment business toward long-term success.

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