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Shantanu is a Tech Account Executive turned Technical Recruiter who recently made a hire with Airfoil. See what he has to say about his experience recruiting on Paraform.

Here’s what Shantanu had to say about Paraform

So first and foremost, I’m a huge fan of tech startups. Something about it just gets the excitement going. I’ve worked with several in the past and I’ve been interested in sourcing and recruiting for a while but being an account executive I wasn’t really given the opportunity to do so.

So when I saw Paraform on Linkedin, I thought this may be a good food in the door opportunity to get started. That’s what made me sign up.

How long did it take for your candidate to get hired after you submitted him on the platform?

Around a month, 4 to 5 weeks, I would say. From sourcing, to submitting my candidate on the platform, to three rounds of interviews at Airfoil and them extending the offer I think it took around that time. It was a fairly quick turn around.

How did you feel when you got the email your candidate got hired?

I was super happy that I helped my candidate find his next job and help Airfoil hire a really promising head of business development to bring more customers! Also the referral bonus was not too bad haha

What are some of your favourite features on Paraform?

I really like that you guys started showing the number of people interviewing for each of the open roles. I also like the direct communication channel I have with the hiring manager, most of the time, the founder of the startup I am recruiting for - that’s quite unique!

Any difficulties using Paraform?

Not in particular, like there’s no technical difficulties and I can always talk to the hiring manager and client through the messenger on my dashboard. Getting my referral bonus payout was also really intuitive because Stripe handles everything.

I think on the first day I didn’t know where to start because I had no sourcing tool to find candidates so I had to get scrappy and rely on creative ways to get to candidates. I ended up investing in a sourcing tool recently to reach out to more folks.

Any final tips you would like to share with other recruiters on the platform?

I mean, everyone knows technical recruiting is not easy, it’s just that on Paraform it’s easier than usual. I think the first few weeks is tough, especially when you are reaching out to potential candidates and not hearing back.

After that period things get better once you land your first candidate in review, first candidate interviewing, and it’s all worth it when you land the hire.

When it comes to sourcing, my number 1 tip would be just to read what the hiring manager included in the Paraform listings well. It seems like they put in a lot of effort into those so I just did exactly what was on there.

Another thing that worked for well for me was to make sure that I send multiple candidates to interviewing for the role I am recruiting for instead of stopping at just one, waiting and hoping for the best. I think that definitely increased the chances of me landing the role.

And just be there for the candidate. If the candidate responds back, don’t leave them hanging, respond back immediately, whenever I get a message on my phone I just respond right back to that.

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