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April 3, 2024

Best LinkedIn automation tools

John Kim
Co-founder @ Paraform

Recruiting on LinkedIn can be very manual and laborious–all the sending connection requests, dragging and dropping candidates into campaigns, and typing up messages to candidates.

However, with the AI revolution well underway, there are many tools recruiters can use to automate a large chunk of LinkedIn tasks. Granted, these tools should be used as an arm to your recruitment efforts, not the whole body.

So here are the 5 best LinkedIn automation tools that will save you hours.

1. LinkedHelper


LinkedHelper is a LinkedIn automation tool detached from the cloud that performs human-like tasks, automating a large chunk of your time on LinkedIn.

Simply download the software, log directly into your LinkedIn, and program it to perform a wide range of functions such as liking posts, sending connection requests, adding candidates to a list, message drips, and invitations.

It can add thousands of profiles into a list that you can download as a CSV file or directly upload into to find emails with one click.

Price: $15 per month

Tip: For best results, use it in conjunction with the CRM

2. Closely


Closely is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps you automate sending messages to candidates and prospects.

Simply download the Chrome extension and Closely will plug into your LinkedIn where you can create a list of people you want to reach out to and the system will send connection requests, messages, invites to like your company, and likes on posts.

It also finds the email address of a profile, further enabling you to send email drip campaigns directly from your dashboard and export data.

Price: $99 per month

3. Waalaxy


Waalaxy is a lead generation automation tool that enables you to find ‘1000 prospects in minutes’.

Add the title of the person you want to reach out to, i.e. “CTO” and the location “San Francisco”, and the AI will scour LinkedIn and add them to a list, instantly.

You can also program Waalaxy to auto ‘like’ and ‘comment’ on posts of people in your network or those within your LinkedIn Recruiter or Sales Navigator list.

Price: For just LinkedIn messaging, it’s $20 per month, and $121 per month for the all-encompassing tool.

4. Dripify


Dripify is a multifunctional LinkedIn automation tool designed to help sales teams improve LinkedIn prospecting.

You can create drip campaigns, import and export lists, auto like & comment and the platform even allows you to send a whopping 75 connection requests per day as opposed to the usual 20.

Price: $79 per month

5. Clay


Clay is an enterprise outbound tool that leverages AI to automate the entire sales function for sales and recruitment teams.

It uses over 50+ data points to find contacts and companies and lets you send 1000s of emails at scale that are personalized and written by AI.

You can also scrape 100s of job openings through various channels to find leads.

Price: $149 per month (2,000 credits)

Use them wisely!

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